Our first goal for the monthly Immanuel Prayer Training is to raise up a community of healers. We believe that the best way to do that is to provide ongoing opportunities to observe, receive, facilitate Immanuel prayer in a safe settings. We also know we all grow in our skill when we receive constructive feedback.

Our second goal is to provide a place for emotional healing prayer for everyone in our church community and beyond. We provide easy access for everyone to make an appointment to receive prayer by clicking on the green “Immanuel Appointment” button on this website.

Email us at info@mercytransformation.com for more information if you are interested in attending one of our trainings and/or you’d like to become a part of this community of healers. Receive, observe and learn to facilitate this powerful and profound, yet simple approach to emotional healing!

We meet the second Saturday of every month, 9am – 12:30pm Pacific in-person at Vineyard Church Laguna Niguel, CA.
Zoom option is also available. https://vcchurch.zoom.us/j/94643492190

Questions? Contact us at info@mercytransformation.com